A Perfect DIY Weekend - Recycling Your Wardrobe

A Perfect DIY Weekend - Recycling Your Wardrobe

Feeling bored? Recycle Fashion in your Wardrobe

Have you tried to recycle your old fashion before?

We all want to help the environment, but sometimes it can be difficult to know how. 

One of the best ways to be more eco-friendly is by recycling and upcycling your wardrobe.

By taking a few simple steps, you can reduce your environmental footprint while also refreshing your closet and creating unique new looks.

In this article, we'll explain why fashion recycling is important and how to do it.


How To Recycle Fashion


  • Let someone else recycle your old clothing
  • Upcycle old items and give them a tuning
  • Dash your used clothes at a specified garments waste collection point
  • Donate used garments to a local charity, Fashion students or schools 

If you don't want to do it yourself and with all honesty you prefer to shop new items - The best solution is to buy from us.

All items on our store are recycled and if required to be refurbished for a new lifetime.  

The first step in recycling fashion is learning how to properly care for clothes you already own.


Recycling your Fashion or just Take Care of it

Wash items in cold water, line dry them when possible, and avoid using harsh detergents or fabric softeners that could damage fabric fibers over time.

These tips will help extend the life of your wardrobe so you don’t have to buy new clothes as frequently!

 Check out our tips for textile care so your garments stay in excellent condition long after you bought them. 


Buy Secondhand Fashion & Extend a Garments Lifecycle



When it comes time to replace certain items in your wardrobe, look for secondhand stores or eco-friendly brands that use sustainable materials.

Those materials can be organic cotton or recycled polyester made from plastic bottles or other post-consumer waste materials.

Not only are these fabrics better for the planet than conventional fabrics like polyester made from petroleum-based products;

They're also often more affordable than brand-new pieces!

Even if you just purchase a few items made with these types of materials each year, it will make a huge difference in terms of reducing your environmental impact.


Upcycle old clothes & create unique pieces

Another way to recycle fashion is by upcycling existing pieces in your wardrobe into something new and unique.

You can use simple techniques like cutting old jeans into shorts or repurposing an old t-shirt into a stylish top with some creative embroidery work—the possibilities are endless!


Take an old jeans & get busy 


This not only saves money compared with buying new clothes;

it also gives you an outlet for expressing yourself through fashion without having any negative impacts on the environment.


Why Recycle Fashion?

The global textile trade is one of the most polluting industries in the world today.

It´s actually the second biggest polluting industry on this planet. 



The fashion industry is a major polluter, responsible for up to 10% of global carbon emissions and nearly 20% of wastewater.


In fact, it consumes more energy than both aviation and shipping combined (BBC, 2020).

Plus, it takes a lot of resources to produce clothing from start to finish.

It starts from harvesting raw materials like cotton and leather to processing them into fabric, dyeing them with chemicals, and shipping them around the globe.


Factors - The fashion industry's environmental impact

  • The production of textiles, which requires a lot of water and energy.
  • The transportation of textiles, which produces greenhouse gases.
  • The disposal of textiles, which often ends up in landfills.

Reducing the environmental impact of the fashion industry

  • Choosing sustainable fabrics, such as organic cotton or recycled polyester.
  • Buying clothes that are made to last.
  • Repairing and re-wearing clothes instead of throwing them away.
  • Donating or recycling clothes that you no longer wear.

By making small changes, we can all help to make the fashion industry more sustainable.

Statistics: Environmental Impact of Clothing Production

  • The fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of water in the world, after agriculture.
  • The production of a single cotton T-shirt requires 2,700 gallons of water.
  • The average American throws away 70 pounds of clothing each year.
  • Only 1% of textiles are recycled each year.


Recycling fashion isn't always easy, but it’s definitely worth doing—not just for the planet, but also for yourself!

That's why you can buy recycled quality fashion from us directly, therefore with convenience and without regrets.


Wonder how we recycle fashion, you can see available on our store?

Fashion Aftermath actively trades with UK-wide whole sellers handling tons of clothing that previously ended up in landfills. 

Taking small steps towards sustainability, such as caring for clothes properly, purchasing secondhand items when possible.

Get creative with upcycling projects can go a long way towards decreasing our impact on the environment while still allowing us to stay stylish at the same time!

So take some time today, think about how you can get started down this path – soon enough you’ll be feeling good about helping out Mother Nature while looking great too!

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