What is Vintage Fashion?

What is Vintage Fashion?
The development of second-hand stores into independent small-scale businesses and the industry's position outside of the dominant designer and fast fashion systems are characteristics of vintage fashion retailing (McColl, 2005, Mhano and Niehm 2005 cited in Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018).
This is reflected in their collections of vintage clothing, which are focused on pieces and looks.
Its roots may be traced back to 1960s youth culture and their interest in distinctive clothing purchased from emporia and boutiques to satisfy their need for a unique look.
By having a variety of companies assembled in one place, they gave buyers the chance to find elegant, one-of-a-kind items that are typically not available through conventional shopping channels.
How to Businesses Sell Vintage Clothing?
For these and later vintage clothes boutiques, secondary sites and locations close to second-hand markets provided distinctive yet affordable stores (Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018).
The discussion of vintage using traditional, economic marketing theory may not be very helpful in these conditions, which are characterised by an autonomous fashion and retailing tradition.
It might be more appropriate to acknowledge that marketing is a collection of organisational tasks and responsibilities (Duguid, 2005; Warde, 2005 cited in Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018) and that the marketing process involves "linked and implicit ways of understanding, saying, and doing things...that include practical activities, performances, and representations or talk" (Schau, Muiz, & Arnould, 2009: 31 cited in Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018).
In agreement with this viewpoint, several academics have suggested that marketing as a profession ought to be given more attention (Skalen & Hackley, 2011 cited in Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018).
Benefits of Vintage Clothing
Vintage clothing helps people reminisce about simpler times by providing constancy in the face of an environment that is always changing.
According to a study by DeLong et al. (2005: 25–40), consumers' purchasing decisions are significantly influenced by the history of vintage items since it fosters a sense of nostalgia in them (Cassidy and Bennett, 2012).
- A piece of vintage fashion has a more unique flavor – Explore our Y2K, Vintage & Secondhand fashion products now! Every piece is only available in single quantity. Nobody can copy or take this style off you.
- At times Cassidy and Bennett (2012) conducted their research on the rise of vintage fashion, there was only limited research available.
- “Vintage is about looking forward through the window of the past” – John Walsh wrotes in an article published by The independent in year 2010 (Cassidy and Bennett, 2012)
The Rise of Vintage Clothing within the Last Decade
It cannot be argued that vintage has not gained wide acceptance. A range of secondhand and vintage chains have made an appearance, especially in the UK (Kent, Winfield and Shi, 2018).
The increase in awareness of vintage has been associated with a shift in consumers' attitudes toward using and wearing old goods. The usage of vintage ideas in contemporary designs by fashion designers and in the trends promoted by the forecasting sector, in addition to a change in views, are other elements that contribute to the emergence of the vintage trend (Cassidy and Bennett, 2012).
A Times article from the December 5, (2009) quotes fashion retail guru Mary Portas saying, "The recession means we have all slowed down. We place a greater emphasis on something's value, and as more people consider quick fashion to be "vulgar," there appears to be an increase in the buying of high-quality used apparel (Portas, 2009 cited in Cassidy and Bennett, 2012).
Vintage Clothing for a Sustainable Fashion Industry
One could argue that the vintage clothes craze is a reaction to fast fashion's unfavourable press and repercussions.
Fast fashion is primarily a business strategy for businesses that produce goods to sell in their high street stores using vertically integrated production processes as opposed to the old linear approach frequently utilised by fashion businesses.
Since all the production takes place at one location, the fast fashion process guarantees speedy responsiveness to consumer demand.
Additionally, it appears that both vintage buyers and sellers have the same perspective on the rise of vintage fashion, which has been aided by a backlash against fast fashion that is mass-produced and impersonal (Cassidy and Bennett, 2012).
Fast fashion means that a lot of consumers have access to the same designs which prevents uniqueness
Cassidy, T.D. and Bennett, H.R. (2012). The Rise of Vintage Fashion and the Vintage Consumer. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2022].
Kent, A., Winfield, S. and Shi, C. (2018). Vintage Luxury Fashion. [online] Palgrave Macmillan. Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2022].